Thursday 5 September 2013

Orbx - FTX: EU EGHI Southampton Airport | The FlightSim Store: Download Software - Prepar3D Add-Ons - Scenery - Europe

Spectacular Southampton!

From the developing team of Lars Pinkenburg and Martin Pahnev, otherwise known as 29Palms, comes Southampton Airport. EGHI is located north east of Southampton, within Hampshire, England and it is a feature packed addon with incredible level of detail. As a bonus to the airport scenery, Lars and Martin have included numerous attractions such as the huge Ford factory, animated trains and cars that follow the terrain and drive on different levels of a covered car park and over bridges. A detailed reconstruction of the typical "Southwest Trains", a dust blowing Land Rover and even a steam locomotive show the attention to detail this scenery has been created with. Southampton awaits you with countless features to explore!
  • First NGX compatible airport for EU England!
  • Large PR coverage!
  • Fully custom modeled airport
  • Detailed reconstruction of Ford Southampton plant
  • Extremely detailed approaches
  • High Definition Ground Poly
  • Shadow rendition on all 3D objects and ground
  • Realistic rendition of light sources
  • Use of most Orbx Flow techniques
  • Complex car and train animations in 3D
  • By Lars Pinkenburg and Martin Pahnev
Get it here:

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